A Better Pickup


Guitar pickups have always been a sore spot with me. They are typically integrated with the guitar in such a way that the guitar body itself becomes microphonic, high notes are accentuated and plucked strings really "pop". This results in an amplified characteristic which I have always found less than ideal. Installed pickups may also degrade the guitar's sound when played un-amplified.

I've discoverd a pickup recently which I feel performs much better than others I have used. This pickup made by Barbera Transducer Systems uses a new (patent-pending) design which does not have these shortcomings. (Guitar pickups are a new item for Barbera Transducers and are not yet shown on their website.)

When installed, the pickup does not alter the guitar's un-amplified sound quality. The treble is well balanced and the overall sound is transparent, letting the true sound of the guitar come through. This pickup does no harm to the sound of my fine guitars.

The pickup shown in these photos has been installed in a cutaway guitar which is also featured on this page. Click on any of the images below for a larger view.



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